Basic project information:
- Project title: Be a STEMfluencer
- Funding: 85% European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and 15% Republic of Croatia
- Programme: Local Development and Poverty Reduction
- Programme operator: Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
- Call: „Strengthening STEM skills in primary schools and development of regional science centres for STEM education in primary schools“, Component 1: „Development of STEM skills through equipping school classrooms with STEM equipment“
- Project promoter: Primary school Lučko (Croatia)
- Project Partners from Croatia: Primary school Vugrovec-Kašina, Primary school Nikole Tesle, Zagreb Development Agency
- Project Partner from Norway: Åpenhet
- Implementation Period: 01/09/2022 – 29/02/2024
- Grant amount: €734.405,40
More about the Programme and sources of funding available on Link: